Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tachi and Quil

As I said in my post about Utopia (my Realm), the rulers are called Tachi and Quil. Tachi is an Island Beast and Quil is a Wizor. The reason I picked these guys is because they're my favourite monsters, and they are also a very odd looking team. I mean, would you think that an Island Beast and a Wizor would be leaders of a heavenly realm? So, this post is all about who they are.


Quil was the head of the first Wizor Tower (the place where there are hundreds of Wizors, and they work on new spells). He had also started the Ancient project. The Ancient project was all about opening a portal that would go back in time. He wanted to meet the Ancients (they're like gods to the Utopians and they believe that the gods left thousands of years ago) by going back in time. However, Wizors usually get spells all wrong - and Quil was no different.

The portal went horribly wrong and led to Shadow Utopia instead. The Shadow Utopians attacked; it was chaos. However, they could only cross to Utopia at night. The Utopians who survived built a wall around that area during the day and called it the Forbidden Zone. He built a new Wizor Tower, still hoping to meet the Ancients. However, he stopped working on the Ancient project. He instead took the role of leadership, which hadn't been done since the Ancients were there. He wanted to destroy the Shadow Utopians and save the people that he had endangered.


Tachi was once in Shadow Utopia. He wasn't born there, but he went through the portal when trying to get away from monsters who were begging him to help finish the wall, so that everyone would be safe. He was very selfish back then and he went through the portal to get away. He escaped a year later - and although nobody knew what happened to him in Shadow Utopia, they all knew that his experience had changed him. He took charge alongside Wizor, to help ensure that no other monster ever enters Shadow Utopia.

They both work together and hope to one day make Utopia safe again.

What do you think? They're pretty important to Utopia, so I had to do a post about them. Should I make a comic for them in the future? That would be really cool! Anyway, thanks for reading - don't forget to check out the Genso Shop page ( and the Genso TCG YouTube channel ( for more stuff about this card game!

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