Here we have Ancient Text, Slots, Moon Energy and Sun Energy. Ancient text allows you to return 2 cards from your own (or your opponents!) Dead Pile to your hand. It's really good if you just destroyed one of your opponents really powerful monsters, or if they just used a really good Magic or Equip card, so I'd take 2.
Slots is a bit of a risky card because you have to flip a coin; if it's heads you draw 5 cards, but if it is tails then your opponent draws 5 cards. The reason that this is good is because you can use it when you're about to lose - and it could save you if you get heads. I'd probably still only take one, though.
Moon Energy is a great card if you have Ghost monsters. It gives all Ghost monsters on your field 20 Defence for 2 turns. It may not be for long, but it's long enough to do something. I won't take any, because I don't use Ghost cards. Sun Energy is similar, but it gives 20 Attack to all Fire monsters on your field for 3 turns. A really good card, but only for anyone with a Fire deck.

For the Equip cards, we have Double The Size, Half The Size, Element Swap and Iron Hand. Double The Size doubles the stats of the equipped monster for 2 turns (which is super useful!), whereas Half The Size halves an enemy monsters' stats permenantly. Both are actually very good, but I'd only take one of each.
Element Swap is obvious, it swaps the element of a monster! This is good when cards like Sun Energy are in use. I won't take any, because I like my elements! Last is Iron Man (Hand), which gives the equipped monster another 20 Attack. Again, an awesome card. I'd take one, because I like to attack!
And that is the last of what I'll show you of the Magic and Equip cards (there are still another 10 of each, which I'll leave as a mystery). Maybe this has helped you to pick what sort of cards you want in your deck. I like an even mix of everything, but you could pick anything that works with you.
If you want to get a Booster Pack which contains a whopping 18 cards, you can check out the Genso Shop page (https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/genso-the-trading-card-game), you can follow me on FaceBook to see any news that I may have (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100019918095799). Or, if you'd prefer to watch me talk about this awesome TCG, then why not subscribe to my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaktQ_2MU_TOtDX-i5qqSqA)?
I'll post again soon!
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