Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Psychic and Grass monsters

For this post, I'll show you all the monsters that you can have in a Psychic and Grass deck. I put together all of the monsters which go with their element and put them onto one picture. In this card game, you need 40 cards in a deck. And remember, the monsters need to be part of the element(s) that you've picked!

So, as you can see, there are a lot of monsters to choose from. You'll have 25 monsters if you include one of each monster (including Generic monsters)! Plus, Generation 2 will come with a bunch more monsters, so you can keep on expanding your deck as time goes by. Don't forget that there are also Magic and Equip cards (which I'll get to another time) to put in your deck. Even though you know the monsters, you don't know the stats or abilities of them - so you'll have to wait until you get them!
The good thing is that you don't have to take a monster if you don't want it, and you can have as many of the same monster in your deck as you like! You could have 40 Wizors if you wanted (but that would be silly, because Wizor allows you to draw 2 cards when it is summoned), or 40 of any other particular monster. I'll probably take 2 Wizors in my deck, just because I love him!

That's all I've got for the Psychic and Grass monsters for now; next will be the Ghost and Metal monsters! If you want to get some of these cards, you can get a Booster Pack from the Genso shop page (thegamecrafter.com/games/genso-the-trading-card-game), or you can check out my YouTube for other Genso stuff (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaktQ_2MU_TOtDX-i5qqSqA). Don't forget to get in touch with me by commenting below - you can even find me here (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100019918095799) on Facebook!
Thanks for reading and I'll post more soon!

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