That is a picture of the new map. I still need to add place names and different icons to show what a place is (for example, a forest or a city), but I'm happy with the shape of the land. After the map is done, I want to make some really cool looking places. For example, the Wizor Tower. Then, I'll make the Shadow Utopia versions! I'll make pictures of battles and loads of stuff! It will be like a real place - with a map, locations and history. Most pictures that I make for Utopia are probably going to be of epic battle scenes, with monsters charging into battle and fighting!
However, I still need to finish the map. It isn't all bad, though, because it's fun to make stuff for Utopia. I'm even making a Utopian language! But it may be a little bit advanced for now, since I only have a little bit finished. 'Hello' is 'chimai' and 'bye' is 'abong'. Two very needed words. I also have 'karuki', which means 'cool'!
Maybe this has given you some ideas as to what you could do. You don't even have to make a realm, you can just play! I prefer to make places, lands and awesome stories to go with my deck, which is how I came up with the realm idea! You could make a Water and Earth (or maybe Fight) realm called Antlantis, for example. You could name your realm New York if you wanted to! That might be a cool idea, actually... It could be like a paralel dimension or something!
Don't forget to check out my YouTube ( for videos about Genso, FaceBook for ( any news on this card game, DeviantArt ( for any art that I make for Utopia and cards, and my Shop ( if you want some cards! Abong!
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