Even if you have every card, you may still be unsure on how to build your deck. And you need a good deck to win the battle! There are a few different things to think about when making a deck; which cards work well with your strategy? What elements do you want to use? All these are pretty important when it comes to building your perfect set of cards.
There are loads of options for your play style. You may prefer to have loads of Magic cards and less monsters to be able to trap your opponent. You may choose to have weak monsters and then boost them up with countless Equip cards. Or, you could just have an even mix and play any way. You may prefer strong monsters to defensive ones, or monsters with low stats and good abilities. How do you know which ones are for you? Well, playing and testing cards works the best, in my opinion. Look at your cards, pick the ones which seem to work for you and try them out with a friend. Each time you get new cards, swap them with some cards that aren't as effective as you'd like and see how it goes.
Elements are very important. You have to consider the elemental advantages that could flip a game. It's good to take monsters with 2 elements, because it could help if your opponent has an elemental advantage against you.
My friend wants Metal and Ghost. Now, he was clever when he picked, choosing elements that would be stronger against my deck in particular. He picked Metal because it's better against Psychic (my first choice), and Ghost - which is neither strong or weak to any elements - because I didn't know what to take for my second element at the time.
I'll take Makit in my deck (Fight and Psychic), because it'll be stronger against his Metal monsters.
Also, since this game is 2 - 4 players, you could build a deck to work with a friends' when you play as a team, so that you and your partner always win!
I hope that this has been helpful to anyone who was unsure on how to build their deck. I personally prefer a mix of cards, but it depends on how you play. Let me know what you think, and check out Genso TCG YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaktQ_2MU_TOtDX-i5qqSqA), or you could go to the Genso TCG shop page (https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/genso-the-trading-card-game). Thanks for reading, and I'll post some more awesome card game stuff soon!
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