Friday, August 4, 2017

Genso Battles

A little while back, I was working on another game; Genso Battles. It is like normal Genso, but it's also similar to a board game. When you summon a monster, you move it across the board. The aim of the game is to destroy your opponents Castle (which is the same as Health) before they destroy yours. I played it and it's actually quite fun. The rules are a bit different, though.

Once a monster has moved and attacked, they become tired and can't be used again until your next turn. In Genso Battles, the turns work differently. You have your Summoning Phase (you can summon as many Warrior monsters as you want, but you can only play one Hero or Veteran per turn), your Moving Phase and your End Phase. However, that is not all. You see, you take it in rounds to do stuff. So, at the start of a turn, you and your opponent draw 5 cards. You can do whatever you're allowed to do. Like summon 3 Warriors and a Hero monster, move them and attack (if there is anything to attack). However, if they move and attack, they become Exhausted (they can't do anything until your next turn). Once your round has finished, it's your opponents round. They can do the same. On your next round, you can still summon monsters, but not a Hero or Veteran, since you summoned one last round.

You can move any monster which isn't Exhausted, and attack with any that aren't. But the ones which do, become Exhausted. Now, at the start of your round you can end the turn, making it the next turn. Your opponent can also do this.

All your Exhausted monsters are back in action, and you draw until you have 5 cards (so if you still had a card, you'd draw 4). Then, since you ended the turn, you go first. And you do this until you destroy your opponents Castle, which is right at the back of the field, on their side.

Would you like to see this game? Let me know! You can comment below, or you could message me on FaceBook ( You can check out my YouTube ( awesome videos related to my card game (and possibly Genso Battles one day), or my DeviantArt, where I post pictures relating to my TCGs ( And the most important, my shop for some cards (!

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