Friday, September 1, 2017

Back again

Hi guys, sorry for not posting in a while (I've been really busy), but here's another post for you to read!

I just wanted to say a quick thanks to the person who brought some cards! You are the first person (well, other than me) to get some - it means a lot to me to know that someone out there might like my game!

I was thinking about my old Genso cards, and I thought about remaking a few of them, but which ones? You can read through earlier posts, watch my YouTube videos, or go to FaceBook to see some which may not have been shown in this blog.

All old cards count and I'll try and show a bunch more, so that you guys can have more to pick from. You can pick 1 or 20, it doesn't matter. I won't remake them all, but some I will.
(N.R.G) (kronos) (Arobol)

These are just a few which I think look quite cool. And, since I will be creating 2 new elements (Electric and Ice), it only seems right to include some of them.

There are probably hundreds of cards; not all of them are going to be made, but a few would be nice, right? And also, isn't this sort of like a competition of sorts? I mean, you pick which ones you like and I may make them. Doesn't that sound like a competition?

To see a few more of my old cards you could go to YouTube (, or FaceBook ( If you want to see other cards, then don't forget that I also have a DeviantArt ( And lastly, to get some of these awesome cards, check out my shop (!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Continued mini battle

Well, it's not so mini after all, is it? Anyway, it was now my turn. I had no monsters against Cococlaw (A:90, D:50, L:30) and Takaw (A:30, D:20, L:110). I summoned Opitar (A:40, D:40, L:100), which has Fly. It could kill Cococlaw, but not Takaw too. So, down went Cococlaw and Takaw was left uneffected. On my sisters turn, she discarded her Takaw for Spuntix (A:70, D:40, L:100), which also has Fly! It's like every card in this game has been a bird!

Anyway, Spuntix knocked Opitars Life down to 60. On my turn, I discarded Opitar for a Spuntix of my own! However, mine had an advantage. Why? Because I gave the equip card Rage (it gives the monster the ability Fury)! My spuntix attacked her Spuntix twice, destroying it! She played Kailo on her turn (A:70, D: 40, L:100), and it attacked Spuntix. With my monster on 70 Life, I had to do something good - and quick. I summoned Boost (A:50, D:20, L:100), which boosted my Spuntix's attack up to 90!

Boost attacked first, leaving Kailo with 70 Life. Spuntix used one of it's attacks to kill it and the other to lower my sister's Health down to 110. It was her turn and she knew that it was over. She summoned Jackoo (A:70, D:40, L:120), and got Spuntix's Life down to 40, but it wasn't enough. On my turn, I discarded Boost for Police Bot. Spuntix used it's 2 attacks on Jackoo, and Police Bot took her Health to 0.

So, after a shaky start, I eventually won! I need to get some more cards soon, so that I can play even better games! You can see more of Genso on YouTube (, my FaceBook (, DeviantArt ( and my Shop (!

Mini battle

In this post, I want to write about a mini battle I had with my sister. We played with all my cards (regardless of their element), and we both had 10 each. And whilst that is nowhere near 40, the game was still good. We only had 2 Equip cards each, but when they were used, it was annoying if you weren't the one using it!

I went first and summoned Wizor (A:70, D:40, L:90). And of course I drew 2 cards, thanks to Wizor's ability. Then, it was my sisters turn. She summoned Cococlaw (A:90, D:50, L:100), which I was a little upset about, because I love Cococlaw! However, that was not all. She played the Equip card Sky Orb (it gives a monster Fly), and she gave it to Cococlaw. With this new power, Cococlaw destroyed my Wizor. It was my turn and I wasn't too sure on what to do.

My usual tactic when I get Wizor first is to discard him for a Veteran monster next turn. I was a bit worried; especially because of how powerful Cococlaw had become. I got the monster Weeds (A:70, D:20, L:100). I knew that Weeds wouldn't last too long, but I just wanted to weaken Cococlaw. I also Equipped the Equip card Poison (the equipped monster becomes Poisoned) to Cococlaw, and Weeds attacked 3 times (thanks to it's ability). Cococlaw only went down to 40 Life, but I knew that it would be gone soon. And, at the end of the turn, Cococlaw lost another 5 Life.

On my sisters turn, she summoned Takaw (A:30, D:20, L:110). Cococlaw attacked Weeds, leaving it with a measly 10 Life. But it didn't last long, for Takaw also has Fly, and it destroyed Weeds. However, since Cococlaw was Poisoned, it lost an other 5 Life.

I'll continue this in my next post, because I don't want this to go on forever! Don't forget to check out my YouTube (, my FaceBook (, DeviantArt ( and my Shop (!

Saturday, August 12, 2017


For this post, I want to write about the new realm I'm making, Inferno. It's not going to be anything special (Utopia is my main realm!), butm it's just for fun. It's cool because Lava flows under the crysal floor, which is smooth and always shiny. And, the energy coming from the Psychic monsters not only keeps it from melting, but keeps it nice and cold.

There are perfectly smooth volcanos and floating cubes of crystal floating above holes in the ground. There are rivers of lava (and they, like everything else, are all straight and smooth) and whole crystal countries, which are seperated by lava oceans. And what is the greatest thing? Whenever they're under attack, the Psychic monsters just make lava shoot out form the floor underneath the enemy monsters. And if that doesn't stop them, then the powerful might of the Fire monsters will surely defeat them.

Another cool thing is that even if Inferno was taken from them, the invaders would just be killed without the Psychic monsters there!

Don't forget to check out my shop page (, where you can get the free rules and booster packs. Or, if you want to see more Genso stuff, go to my YouTube ( I also have a DeviantArt ( and a FaceBook ( See ya!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Another archetype

I had a cool idea for an archetype. They'll basically screw the main rule of Genso... Can you guess what they'll do? Here is the El archetype!

That's a test idea of one. They'll be from all different elements, but how can you use them if you can only have 2 elements? Well (prepare for the rule screwing), they'll have a card which will break the very laws of Genso... This card will be indestructable, and it will always go to the top of your deck. When you play it, you can use any El monster in your deck without having to play by the normal element restrictions! 

These will be great because you'll be able to combat elemental advatages pretty easily and they'll swap out for other El monsters, too. So, if you have a Water El monster and your opponent has a Grass monster, you can simply put the Water one in your deck and find another El monster and put it on the field. They'll be fun to play, and probably tough to beat with all the swapping!

The main reason why I like these is because they'll basically just ignore the rules which everybody else has to follow! What do you think?

You can subscribe to my YouTube channel (, where you'll find loads of great Genso videos! Or, add me on FaceBook ( Don't forget my DeviantArt (, for some cool TCG art! And, the coolest one of all, the Shop page (!

Archetype ideas

So, for this post, I want to talk about future archetype ideas. I'll probably release them in their own decks sometime between Gen 2 and Gen 3, and they'll be released seperatly, too. I already have 2 ideas, but I'm stuck for others. Any ideas?

The first one is the Elf archetype. They'll be weak, but they'll have lots of X Combos. You've already seen some of these, so you know what I'm talking about. I'll probably make these first, because I really love the idea of them and I want to use them. They'll be like the Heroes in Yugioh (I know that they're dead now, but I won't be making any crazy rule changes), full of awesome cards!

Another idea I have is the Ring Archetype. They'll have names like Ring Master and Ring Lion, and they're looking really promising right now. I'll probably make them Psychic or Metal (or both). They'll be fun to play, too. They'll be boosted by the Ring monsters in the Dead Pile, and there will be loads of cards to return those, too. They'll be really annoying to verse, I think!

And that's all the ideas I've got for archetypes (they're really hard to come up with!). If you have any ideas, please let me know! You can comment here, or...

You could message me on FaceBook (! You could also let me know on YouTube ( or DeviantArt ( And, if you want to show some support, get some packs from the Genso TCG Shop (!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

M.A.R Part 2

Next up for M.A.R (Make A Realm) is how it'll look. Do you want a peacful place? A war zone? A huge industrial land? This will help you out :)
Alright. This is where your dice comes in handy. Roll them and just write down where you landed. Keep on jumping from the different things until you end up back at the start. Got it? Also, if you get 2 things in the same part, it's okay, because you can either pick one or merge them together.
- (this is a blank, but count it in your jump.)
- Forest
- Ice
- Desert
- Mountain
- Cube
- Dead
- Industrial
- Heaven
- Chaos
- War Zone
- Peacful
- Good-all-around
- Defensive
- Offensive
This is pretty much it. If you're unhappy with what you got, you could always go again! I got Cube, Chaos and Good-all-around. I'm actually quite happy with that. The Cube bit matches the Psychic element (I can imagine cubes floating above a smooth, flat floor), but the Chaos part probably goes better with Ghost, Fire, or Fight. However, I also like the idea of my Cube land also being mixed with the common idea of hell. Plus, Good-all-around is probably the best you can get (except for Peacful, that is).
I hope that this has helped you to think of a realm! Remember to change anything that doesn't suit you. You could even add a few things to the list above, just so that your realm will be even more unique to you!

You can go to my FaceBook for any news (, my YouTube ( for some videos about my card game, or the Genso TCG Shop ( where you can get some cards!